South School Presents Check for Rockland Rotary's Inclusive Playground Project

South School's leadership students present a $1,100.00 check to Rotarians Emily Dillon (2nd from L) and Mike Flanagan (far L) for Rockland Rotary's "All Aboard" Inclusive Playground Project.  Under the guidance of South School's music teacher, Victoria Hamilton, the students raise money by collecting coins for this fundraising event. Rockland Rotary members heartily thank all the students and staff at South School for their smashing success in support of this project, which is specifically designed to benefit children of all abilities, within our community.
South School Presents Check for Rockland Rotary's Inclusive Playground Project Ferolyn Curtis 2024-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Inducts New Member

Rockland Rotary is fortunate to have Elba-Gloria Rangel-Erazo inducted as their newest member.  EG not only brings her professional skills as a software consultant, but also brings artistic talents and endless energy.  Her commitment to Community Above Service is evident by her eagerness to join numerous committees and participate in club events.  Welcome EG!!
Photo: Membership Chair-Eric Hebert, President-Bob Bird, Elba-Gloria, and Sponsor-Kristin Brown
Rockland Rotary Inducts New Member Ferolyn Curtis 2024-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Kicked off Annual Fishing Tournament

Rockland Rotary Club, in Partnership with the Bass Federation of Maine, kicked off their annual fishing tournament April 28 at Damariscotta Lake.  It was a perfect day to find that special fishing spot to hook the prize-winning bass.
Rockland Rotary would like to thank the boaters, sponsors, donors, and all who purchased raffle tickets in generous support of this annual fundraising event, which provides Benefaction Grants for area nonprofit organizations within our community.
The sponsors and donors were: Home Depot, FW Webb, Johnson’s Sporting Goods, Premier Garage, Auto Zone, NAPA, Bixbee Chocolate, Back Cove Yachts, E.L. Spear, and Car Quest.
Rockland Rotary Kicked off Annual Fishing Tournament Ferolyn Curtis 2024-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotarians Attend Rotary Meeting in Spain

Rockland Rotarians, Doug and Ferolyn Curtis, Jr., had the opportunity to attend the Rotary Club Marbella while vacationing in the Costa del Sol region of Spain.  During this particular meeting, a new Rotarian was being inducted into their club.  It was interesting learning the differences in their induction process.  In order to become a new member, the candidate has to deliver their classification speech and field questions from the club's members before being approved and inducted.  In turn, the Marbella members were very interested in learning about the process our club uses to induct new members.  It's amazing how Rotarians, from all over the world, make you feel welcome and at home in their respective clubs.
Rockland Rotarians Attend Rotary Meeting in Spain Ferolyn Curtis 2024-04-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotarians Ring in the Holiday Season 

Rockland Rotarians shared a holiday-spirited evening of fellowship and barrels of laughter at our annual Holiday Party! The Elks prepared a delicious meal, tables were festively decorated, and Carol Worcester entertained everyone with her merrymaking activity.  Rockland Rotary extends their wishes for a peaceful holiday season. (More photos can be found in our Holiday Party 2023 Photo Album)
Rockland Rotarians Ring in the Holiday Season Ferolyn Curtis 2023-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Five Local Rotary Clubs Meet to Socialize and Share Ideas

Top photo L-R:   Camden President-elect, Bruce Cole, Augusta President Merry St. Pierre, Belfast President Steve Norman, Rockland President Bob Bird, and West Bay President Trina Kuykendall. 
Each Rotary leader shared what their respective club is doing for fundraising, projects they have participated in, and the different ways they are helping our communities.  We thank Rockland President-elect, Mike Flanagan, for spearheading this social event and organizing a delicious meal for the 45 local Rotarians who gathered for this evening of fellowship.
Five Local Rotary Clubs Meet to Socialize and Share Ideas ferolyn curtis 2023-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotarians Participate in the Annual Festival of Lights Parade

Rockland Rotarians had a jolly good time participating in Rockland's annual Festival of Lights parade, to kick off the Holiday Season.  With exceptional teamwork, Rotarians decorated our Rotary float in the shelter of Eric's garage, along with Kermit and the group who marched in the parade.  Butch and his co-pilot, Carol, drove the truck.  Emily was our "Mrs. Claus," who engaged the crowd. Kristin, Mike F. and Ferolyn were red-nosed reindeer, and Mike C. pushed his daughter, "Snow Princess," Evie, in a sleigh created by Stephanie McLain.  President Bob and Kip joined in the march up Main St.  The floats were spectacular and crowds of people lined the length of downtown Rockland, despite the freezing 26 degree temperatures.
Rockland Rotarians Participate in the Annual Festival of Lights Parade Ferolyn Curtis 2023-11-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotarians Donate Food to the Hospitality House Family Shelter 

Rockland Rotarians generously gave monetary donations to purchase turkeys, ham, hamburger, and other food to help fill-up the Hospitality House Family Shelter's freezers and pantry.  Rotarian, Lexi Zable, obtained a list of items the shelter needed. Then she went on a massive shopping spree and delivered the food to the shelter in time for the holidays. 
Rockland Rotarians Donate Food to the Hospitality House Family Shelter Ferolyn Curtis 2023-11-20 05:00:00Z 0
Rockland Rotary Voted #1 "Best of the Best" in Knox County! ferolyn curtis 2023-11-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotarians Participate in WindowDressers Community Build Project

Rockland Rotary partnered with WindowDressers to keep our neighbors in Maine warm this winter.  There will be approximately 75 Rotarians taking part in this project from Ellsworth, Castine, Hallowell, Rockland/Camden, Belfast, Calais, Waterville and Winthrop.  For every shift a Rotarian works, our district will make a donation of at least $100 to the WindowDressers program from our Rotary District 7790, which includes most of Maine and Quebec. This effort is part of Past-District Governor, Doug Curtis, Jr's, District Environmental Project.  As Rotarians, it's our mission to do good in the world.
Top: Rockland Rotarians Doug & Ferolyn Curtis, Jr., Tena Wallace, and Kristin Brown
Bottom: Rockland Rotarian Butch Worcester
Also participating but not pictured were Emily Dillon, Mike Flanagan, Adreth Rackliff and Lexi Zable.
(More photos can be found in our Photo Album.)
Rockland Rotarians Participate in WindowDressers Community Build Project Ferolyn Curtis 2023-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor, Tina Chapman, Visits the Mid-Coast Area Rotary Clubs at the Cellardoor Winery in Lincolnville

Rockland Rotary President, Bob Bird, presents our District Governor, Tina Chapman, with a check for $1,500 to go toward her District Project to decrease chronic childhood malnutrition in two villages in the Highlands of Guatemala. "Chronic childhood malnutrition is a complex problem that requires a wide range of interventions. Many efforts to reduce chronic childhood malnutrition in Guatemala address only one or a few of the interrelated causes. In this project we will address all of the causes identified in two communities and have identified 33 necessary malnutrition interventions. Such an integrated approach in neighboring villages has been shown to have a much more dramatic impact of reducing chronic childhood malnutrition than projects using just a handful of interventions. The project will be based on a community empowerment approach to ensure that the changes brought about by the project continue after Rotarians leave." (DGE Tina Chapman's District Governor's Project shared by Deb Walters)
District Governor, Tina Chapman, Visits the Mid-Coast Area Rotary Clubs at the Cellardoor Winery in Lincolnville ferolyn j curtis 2023-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

37th Marcel Lacasse Memorial Golf Tournament at the Samoset Resort, Friday, September 22nd!

Marcel Lacasse
Memorial Golf Tournament
Sponsored by Rockland Rotary
Friday, September 22, 2023
Samoset Resort
Rockport, Maine
$150 Entry Fee
Scramble Format
8:00 AM Registration, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Please join Rockland Rotary for their 37th Marcel Lacasse Memorial Golf Tournament, Friday, September 22nd on the beautiful Oceanside golf course at the Samoset Resort in Rockport.  We are looking for area golfers to form teams and join us.  All proceeds from this fun-filled event go to assist area high school seniors. The Rockland Rotary Club's annual golf tournament was so successful last year, we awarded all 11 local senior applicants with a $1,500 scholarship each for college.  We look forward to having previous and new golfers join us for this worthwhile cause.  
Sponsor sheets and Team Players Registration Forms can be obtained by contacting: Kermit Voncannon, email: or Bob Bird, email:
37th Marcel Lacasse Memorial Golf Tournament at the Samoset Resort, Friday, September 22nd! Ferolyn Curtis 2023-09-22 04:00:00Z 0
Rockland Rotary "All Aboard" Inclusive Playground Updates Ferolyn Curtis 2023-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Donation for Playground Project from Bar Harbor Bankshares

Rockland Rotary receives a generous donation of $2,500 for our Inclusive Playground Project from Bar Harbor Bankshares. Another $1,720 was donated directly from their employee's Casual for Cause program. Pictured L-R are Rotarian, Kermit Voncannon, Rockland Rotary President, Bob Bird, Rockland Branch Manager, Becky French and Vice-President & Director of Community Giving, Jack Frost.
Donation for Playground Project from Bar Harbor Bankshares Ferolyn Curtis 2023-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Ferolyn Curtis named Rockland Rotarian of the Year-2023

Rockland Rotary President, Tena Wallace, presented Ferolyn Curtis with the Rotarian of the Year award at the annual Change of Command Banquet. "The 'Rotarian of the Year' award is given to a member who exhibits “Service Above Self” in their daily activities and who promotes Rotary by their actions and involvements." Congratulations on receiving this distinguished award!
Ferolyn Curtis named Rockland Rotarian of the Year-2023 Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary's Change of Command for 2023-
Passing the Gavel

What a fun-filled night of laughter and celebration at Rockland Rotary's 2023 Change of Command.  As President, Tena Wallace, passes the gavel to incoming President, Bob Bird, we want to recognize all Tena's unwavering efforts, devotion, and accomplishments this Rotary year.  Thank you, Tena, for leading our club through such a successful year.  The Rockland Rotary Club members are looking forward to another exciting Rotary year under the leadership of Bob and President-elect, Mike Flanagan. Photos from this event can be found in the Change of Command 2023 Photo Album, lower right on Home page.
Rockland Rotary's Change of Command for 2023-Passing the Gavel Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

In Memory of John Jacob (Jack) Grossbaum

Rotarian Ken Gricus gives the invocation at the 2023 Change of Command, and offers words of remembrance to a long-time Rotarian, John Jacob (Jack) Grossbaum, who sadly passed away this Rotary year.  Pictured with Ken is Rockland Rotary President, Tena Wallace.
In Memory of John Jacob (Jack) Grossbaum Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Recipients

The following five Rockland Rotarians received a Paul Harris Fellow Award at the Change of Command Banquet: Ferolyn Curtis (PH+1), Kermit Voncannon (PH+6), Doris Vertz (PH +2), Larry Bird (PH+1), and President Tena Wallace. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.  Congratulations on receiving this prestigious award!
Paul Harris Fellow Recipients Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Walker C. Hutchins named Rockland Rotary's 2023 Community Person of the Year

President, Tena Wallace, was overjoyed to present Walker C. Hutchins with Rockland Rotary's 2023 Community Person of the Year Award at the annual Change of Command Banquet.  This distinguished award singles out one individual who has contributed significantly to the betterment of the community.  Congratulations, Walker, for this well deserved award!
Walker C. Hutchins named Rockland Rotary's 2023 Community Person of the Year Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Handing over the Pom Poms

Top photo: Our long term Rotarian and cheerleader,  Doris Vertz, passes her pom poms to volunteer, Emily Dillon, who is more than eager to carrying on the unique "Hip, Hip, Hurray!" tradition for our club. 
Bottom photo: Doris has hereby been proclaimed an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Rockland, Maine as of July 1, 2023, and is accorded the fellowship and privileges of such a membership.  We love you Doris!
Handing over the Pom Poms Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Playground Donations reach over $100,000!

Dr. David Pier presents a generous check to Rockland Rotary President, Tena Wallace, in the amount of $1,600 from Mount Pleasant Dental Care for Rockland Rotary's Inclusive Playground Project.  Emily Dillon (center) shoots off a confetti cannon in celebration of our project fundraising efforts reaching over the $100,000 mark!  
Playground Donations reach over $100,000! Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Benefaction Grant Recipients for 2023

In June, Rockland Rotary presented 3 more local non-profit organizations with a $500 Benefaction Grant to assist their efforts in serving others within our community. Pictured Top-John Fromer from Merry Springs receives a grant from club President-Elect Bob Bird, Middle-Liz Schuh from the Methodist Conference Home , and Bottom-Mark Glovin Regional manager for Penquis Community Action. Liz Schuh and Mark Glovin receive their grants from Benefaction Committee Member, Doug Curtis, Jr. and club Vice-President, Mike Flanagan.
On June 14th, Rockland Rotary President, Tena Wallace, presented each of the following local non-profit organizations with a $500 Benefaction Grant to assist their efforts in serving others within our community. Pictured top L-R are Amy Hutchinson from Trekkers and Meridith Batley representing Knox Clinic. Pictured bottom L-R are Ron Staschak from Loaves and Fishes, and Scott Browning from Midcoast School of Technology.
Benefaction Grant Recipients for 2023 Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Scholarship Recipients for 2023

Rockland Rotary was pleased to award eleven $1,500 scholarships to each of the outstanding and highly qualified recipients from Medomalk Valley, Oceanside, and Coastal Christian High Schools. The students and their parents were invited to a special Rotary luncheon in honor of their accomplishments.  Adeliade Hendricks opened the meeting by singing the Star Spangled Banner, which was an amazing performance. Rockland Rotarians wish each of these students much success as they continue their education. Pictured front to back are Martina Straka, Cassidy Novicka, Ruth Bois, Quinn Overlock, Olivia Pelky, Winter Adams (back), Kylea Stone, Adeliade Hendricks, Scholarship Co-chairperson, Kathy Barker and Scholarship Co-chairperson, President Tena Wallace. Not pictured, but receiving scholarships are Olivia VanBuskirk, Grace VanBuskirk, and Emily Sykes.
Top L-R: Kylea Stone, Winter Adams 
Bottom L-R: Adelaide Hendricks and Olivia Pelky
Top L-R: Quinn Overlock, Ruth Bois 
Bottom L-R: Cassidy Novicka, Martina Straka
Rockland Rotary Scholarship Recipients for 2023 Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-14 04:00:00Z 0
The Knox County Retired Educators Association (KCREA) makes a donation to the Inclusive Playground Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-07 04:00:00Z 0

Back Cove Yacht's Inclusive Playground Donation

Jason Constantine, President of Back Cove Yachts, presents a check for Rockland Rotary's Inclusive Playground Project to club President, Tena Wallace (L) and  Rotarian Susan Page (R) for $2,500. Rockland Rotary thanks Back Cove Yachts for their generous support.
Back Cove Yacht's Inclusive Playground Donation Ferolyn Curtis 2023-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Receives a Generous Donation for their Inclusive Playground Project

Rockland City Councilor, Penny York, presented the Rockland Rotary Club with a $5,000 donation in support of the Rockland Rotary’s Centennial "All-Aboard" Inclusive Playground Project. She donated $2,500 herself (to include her $1,800 City Councilor’s stipend) in addition to a charitable giving match of $2,500 from her employer, Bank of America. Penny stated, “Every kid has the right to play. I want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this project. I want to, hopefully, encourage other members of the community to step up and do what they can to make this happen.” What a wonderful example of Rotary’s motto,  “Service Above Self.”   step up and do what they can to make this happen.” What a wonderful example of Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self.” Pictured L to R: Tena Wallace, Rotary Club President, Penny York, Rockland City Councilor, and Emily Dillon, Rockland Rotarian.
Rockland Rotary Receives a Generous Donation for their Inclusive Playground Project Ferolyn Curtis 2023-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Bass Fishing Tournament 2023

In partnership with the Rockland Rotary Club, The Bass Federation of Maine kicked off their annual Fishing Tournament at Damariscotta Lake, April 30th. The participating boaters braved the cold wind and rain for 8 hours to hook the prize-winning bass.  Rockland Rotary would like to thank the boaters, sponsors, donors, and all who purchased raffle tickets in generous support of this annual fundraising event to provide Benefaction Grants for area non-profit organizations within our community.  The sponsors and donors were: Key Ford, Prock Marine, Back Cove Yachts, Mr. Tire, Bird Enterprises, Jay Carlson, Newcomb & Harrell, P.A., Doug Curtis, Jr., Susan Ware Page, FW Webb, Lowes, Home Depot, NAPA, Jeff’s Marine, E.L. Spear Lumber & Hardware, Inc., Auto Zone, and Johnson’s Sporting Goods. Visit our Bass Fishing Tournament 2023 in Photo Albums for more photos.
Bass Fishing Tournament 2023 Ferolyn Curtis 2023-04-30 04:00:00Z 0

Penobscot Bay Chamber Business & Community Expo

There was a fabulous turnout at the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber Business & Community Expo at the Samoset Resort, March 28th.  Rockland Rotarians had the opportunity to meet several people from the community who were interested in learning more about Rockland Rotary and our "All Aboard" Inclusive Playground project.  It was great way to network with the community. Thank you Rotarians who helped setup, work, and make this a fun and successful event!
Penobscot Bay Chamber Business & Community Expo Ferolyn Curtis 2023-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Wakefield Rotary Celebrates 100th Year

Congratulations Wakefield Rotary Club! The Wakefield Rotary Club in Wakefield, MA celebrated their 100th year celebration.  Rockland Rotarian, Ken Gricus, drove through a snow storm to represent our Rockland Club at this prestigious celebration.  Wakefield Rotarian and Rockland Honorary Rotarian, Jay Curley, gave Ken a VIP introduction, and tour of his hometown, home, and place of business.  I believe Ken was treated to some very famous and delicious muffins.  Suzanne Bowering, Club Secretary for 20 years & Past President, presented Ken with the Wakefield Trading Banner to bring back to our club.
Wakefield Rotary Celebrates 100th Year Ferolyn Curtis 2023-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Club Hits Major Blood Donation Milestone

From The Courier-Gazette Newspaper
Rockland Rotary hits donation milestone

The Rockland Rotary club hit a major donation milestone Friday, Feb. 17 in Owls Head.

From left: Rockland City Manager Tom Luttrell shakes hands with Rockland Rotary member Fred Newcomb after Luttrell donated the club’s 1,000th unit of blood for the American Red Cross at the Owls Head Community Center, Friday, Feb. 17. Photo by Christine Simmonds

OWLS HEAD — The anticipation was palpable in the Owls Head Community Building on Friday, Feb. 17 as members of the Rockland Rotary wondered amongst themselves who it would be. They knew it would happen any moment now. After all, they had been carefully counting down for an hour and a half.

Someone in the room was about to donate Rockland Rotary’s 1,000th unit of blood to the American Red Cross of Northern New England.

At almost exactly 1 p.m. the phlebotomist informed club members that she had the lucky person right there. It was none other than Rockland City Manager Tom Luttrell.

While club President Tena Wallace played celebratory music, Luttrell received a poster and candy to commemorate the occasion and was invited to attend the next Rockland Rotary meeting.

Rockland Rotary member Fred Newcomb has been organizing these blood drives in conjunction with the American Red Cross since 2015, when he saw an advertisement to sponsor a drive while he was donating.

Newcomb said it is easy to host the drives. The town of Owls Head allows them to use the community room at no cost, other Rotary members assist, and the Red Cross does the rest.


Newcomb said the club has been collecting more than 30 units per blood drive, and thought perhaps they would reach the 1,000 milestone in December at the last drive. When the drive ended they were only seven units away.

Newcomb has personal experience with the importance of blood donors, which he says is why he is a faithful donor as well as organizing these drives every other month.

In 1968, Newcomb and his sister were in a car crash on their way to the Union Fair. His sister suffered severe internal injuries, he said. She was taken to Knox County General Hospital and required extensive surgeries.

Newcomb said during this, the hospital ran out of blood. Knox County General Hospital put out a call for local donors with her blood type, and the community answered the call.

“They came and saved her life,” Newcomb said. He is so grateful, and he has never forgotten this.

Someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds according to the Red Cross, and one in every seven patients entering a hospital will need a blood transfusion.


Jennifer Costa, Regional Communications Director for the American Red Cross of Northern New England said these people are completely reliant on the kindness of strangers. There is no substitute for blood, Costa said; it is only available thanks to donors and the volunteers at blood drives.

“Our community partners are great,” Costa said. “We couldn’t do this without them. They are the boots on the ground.”

Donated blood has a limited shelf life, too. It is only good for 42 days. Costa said blood donations meet the need locally first within Maine, and are then moved out of state so they can be used within that time period.

Donors can track their blood donation through the American Red Cross Blood Donor app, Costa said, and find out its final destination. Donors who do not have the app will get an email when someone receives their blood.

Also on the app, users can make a donation appointment, see local blood drive locations and check on things like their iron levels.

For more information about the American Red Cross of Norther New England, visit

Rockland Rotary meets every Wednesday at noon at the Rockland Elks Lodge. The hold a blood drive at Owls Head Community Building the third Friday of even numbered months. The next blood drive will be in April.

For more information about Rockland Rotary, visit or

Rockland Rotary members celebrate collecting the 1,000th unit of donated blood Feb. 17. From left: David Theriault, Fred Newcomb, 1,000th donor Tom Luttrell, Rockland Rotary President Tena Wallace, Gene Reil. Photo by Christine Simmonds
Rockland Rotary Club Hits Major Blood Donation Milestone Ferolyn Curtis 2023-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Ken Gricus Recognized for 48 years of Perfect Attendance

Rotarian Ken Gricus was recognized for 48 years of perfect attendance.  Congratulations Ken! Pictured with Ken is our club president, Tena Wallace.
Jay Curley gave an honorary tribute to Ken Gricus for his outstanding accomplishment in reaching 48 years of perfect attendance. Jay pointed out that it takes commitment, personal involvement, fellowship, discipline, and a positive attitude for a member to achieve this level of perfect attendance.
Ken Gricus Recognized for 48 years of Perfect Attendance Ferolyn Curtis 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary's Rose Parade Float "Serving with Imagination and Hope"

Rotary “Serving with Imagination and Hope”
Rockland Rotarians, Doug and Ferolyn Curtis, Jr., participated in decorating the 2023 Rotary float for the Rose Parade in Pasadena.  It took volunteers more than 7,000 hours to prepare and apply flowers and decorations to the float. The Rose Parade theme was “Turning the Corner” an expression of hope and resilience. “Serving with Imagination and Hope” was the Rotary float theme that highlights Rotary’s progression in their mission to educate people globally. Rotary’s float received the Princess Award for the most outstanding floral presentation among entries 35 feet and under in length.
Rotary's Rose Parade Float "Serving with Imagination and Hope" Ferolyn Curtis 2022-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

First National Bank donates $5,000 to Rockland Rotary’s All Aboard Playground

First National Bank recently announced a $5,000 donation to the Rockland Rotary toward their All Aboard Inclusive Playground Project.
“We’re proud to support Rockland Rotary’s All Aboard Playground,” said First National Bank’s, Jake Miller. “This project will provide a universally inclusive space for our families to enjoy in the Midcoast and beyond.”
For more information on how to contribute, visit:
Photo Caption: (L-R): First National Bank's Jake Miller, Necole Janczura, Brooke Creamer, Monique Bearce, Shannon Young, Rockland Rotary's Tena Wallace, Susan Ware Page and First National Bank's Alicia Costa presenting a check for $5,000 towards the All Aboard Playground Project.
First National Bank donates $5,000 to Rockland Rotary’s All Aboard Playground  Ferolyn Curtis 2022-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

Oh, what fun at our Rockland Rotary's Holiday Dinner Party-2022

Rockland Rotarians were in festive humor for some holiday shenanigans and competition! Let’s see how many candy canes you can remove from a bowl using only a candy cane and no hands. Then there’s the lipstick challenge for extra points.   Finally, Rotarians were put to the test by playing “True or False”, being mindful of Rotary's 4-Way Test…Is it the Truth!! View more Holiday Party pictures in our Photo Album located on the right side of our Home Page.
Oh, what fun at our Rockland Rotary's Holiday Dinner Party-2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Festival of Lights Parade 2022

Rockland Rotarians jumped right into the holiday season as they decorated their float for the Festival of Lights parade. Our Rotary float was among the many festive floats that paraded up Main St. in front of cheerful onlookers that lined the parade route. It was heartwarming watching the community and families coming together to enjoy themselves and the festivities. Thank you President Tena Wallace, Eric Hebert, Mike Flanagan, Kristin Brown, Kermit Voncannon, Ferolyn Curtis, Stephanie & Jackie McLain, Andrea & Emma Curtis-Southard.
Festival of Lights Parade 2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Past District Governor, Doug Curtis, Jr.

Past-District Governor, Doug Curtis, Jr. gave a presentation recapping his year as District 7790 Governor.  Doug outlined his challenges, accomplishments and future plans for his International Environmental District Project with Maine and Quebec.  Our club would like to thank Doug for an outstanding year and his dedication in putting Service Above Self.  Rockland Rotary's very own cheerleader, Doris Vertz, lead the members in chanting "Hip hip hooray" to express congratulations and gratitude to Doug for a job well-done.
Past District Governor, Doug Curtis, Jr. Ferolyn Curtis 2022-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Thanksgiving Meal Delivered to the Hospitality House

The members of Rockland Rotary generously donated turkeys, hams, and many bags of food to assist our local Hospitality House in Rockport with food to prepare a hot Thanksgiving meal along with extra bags of food to fill their pantry to provide additional meals.  Our president, Tena Wallace, graciously did the shopping and delivered the food items this week. 
Thanksgiving Meal Delivered to the Hospitality House Ferolyn Curtis 2022-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

The "Best of the Best"
Rockland Rotary takes 2nd Place in Knox County!

President, Tena Wallace, assists in setting up our table for the "Best of the Best" Gala at the Samoset Resort.
It was a fantastic evening for Rockland Rotarians to participate in the VillageSoup "Best of the Best" in Knox Gala at the Samoset Resort.  It was a great time to meet people from our community and share what Rockland Rotary is doing to help those in need within our area and internationally.  We also had the opportunity to inform people about our "All Aboard" Inclusive Playground Project.  Rockland Rotarians pictured are Ferolyn Curtis, Gene Reil, Kermit Voncannon, Bill Gay, Kathy Barker, and interviewer Jerry Stone. Also, Jane Newcomb, Mike Flanagan, and Doug Curtis, Jr. participated.
The Rockland Rotary Club take 2nd Place as "Best of the Best" in Knox County! 
The "Best of the Best"Rockland Rotary takes 2nd Place in Knox County! Ferolyn Curtis 2022-11-02 04:00:00Z 0

1st Cornhole Tournament

Rockland Rotary sponsored their 1st Cornhole Tournament on a gorgeous fall day at the American Legion, Saturday, October 16, 2022. We sold delicious homemade baked items, Charlie's famous chili, cheeseburgers & hotdogs. We also had many generously donated raffle items. Thank you to all our $100 sponsors and those who donated raffle items and baked goods. All proceeds from this successful event go toward Rockland Rotary's "All Aboard" inclusive playground project.
1st Cornhole Tournament Ferolyn Curtis 2022-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rockland Rotary Receives $10,000 Grant from Rockland Rebound Committee

Rockland Rotary was awarded $10,000.00 from the Rockland Rebound Committee which will go towards the installation of the "All Aboard" Inclusive Playground that will be located at MacDougal Park.  Thank you to the City of Rockland and to all the city residents who voted for this project.  We greatly appreciate your support. Receiving the award for Rockland Rotary are Emily Dillon and President Tena Wallace. 
Rockland Rotary Receives $10,000 Grant from Rockland Rebound Committee Ferolyn Curtis 2022-10-12 04:00:00Z 0

Marcel LaCasse Memorial Golf Tournament, 2022

Rockland Rotary sponsored their annual Marcel LaCasse Golf Tournament at the Samoset Resort. Thanks to the generous support from local sponsors, golfers, donations, and gifts in kind, we raised $28,689.96. Minus expenses, we will have approximately $14,000 to give out for local high school seniors. Top picture L-Rotarians Gene Reil (in back) and Bill Gay. Top R-Rockland Rotary's cheerleader, Doris Vertz. Bottom R-Rotarian Kathy Barker. Visit our Photo Album on the lower right side of our Home Page.
Marcel LaCasse Memorial Golf Tournament, 2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Sunset Cruise Rockland Harbor

Rockland Rotarians and spouses had a splendid time on our seafaring sunset cruise on A Morning in Maine with Captain Tyler. We had so much fun sailing on Rockland's beautiful harbor, while enjoying laughs and fellowship. See more photos in Photo Album.  
Sunset Cruise Rockland Harbor Ferolyn Curtis 2022-08-19 04:00:00Z 0

DG Denis Blouin Visit, 8-10-22

Rockland Rotarians had the pleasure of meeting our new District Governor, Denis Blouin, during his visit our club.  Our president, Tena Wallace, gave a comprehensive power point presentation that highlighted our goals, projects, fundraising events, and "Service Above Self" locally & globally. See more photos in Photo Album.
DG Denis Blouin Visit, 8-10-22 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-08-10 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Support Lobster Festival


Rockland Rotarians volunteer at their hometown Lobster Festival to serve Maine "lobstah" dinners, clams, mussels, "chowda" and other native delicacies on the festival grounds overlooking our beautiful harbor. Despite the heat and humidity, we had a "wicked good" time! See more pictures in Photo Album.

Rockland Rotary holds their weekly meeting down on the festival grounds to support our community Lobster Festival. Gorgeous day for delicious Maine lobster, fun, and fellowship. See more photos in Photo Album.
Rotary Support Lobster Festival Ferolyn Curtis 2022-08-04 04:00:00Z 0

Change of Command 2022

At the Change of Command, June 30th, Rockland Rotarians offered their warmest welcome to our new president, Tena Wallace, for Rotary year 2022-2023.  She received her President pin, President badge, and the club's gavel from out-going president, Ferolyn Curtis. President Tena is ready to lead us through another exciting and successful year following Rotary's Motto, Service Above Self.  This year's Presidential Rotary Theme is, "Imagine Rotary".  Here is what our new and first woman RI President, Jennifer Jones, envisions. “Imagine, a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.” Rockland Rotarians, let's continue to give all our support to President Tena and to making this dream become a reality.  Let's pick up that "working stick" and make a difference in the lives of others.
Change of Command 2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Benefaction Grant Recipients 2022

Rockland Rotary was pleased to award a Benefaction Grant to Joe Ryan, Executive Director of the AIO Pantry for Food & Energy Assistance. Pictured with Joe, L-R are Eric Hebert, Benefaction Committee Member, club President, Tena Wallace, Joe, and Gene Reil, Benefaction Committee Member.  Joe was also our guest speaker today.  He shared all the remarkable ways AIO is assisting people within our community. Thank you, Joe, and the AIO Food Pantry for all your efforts in "Serving to Change Lives".
Rockland Rotary was pleased to award Benefaction Grants to 9 local, non-profit organizations to assist them in their efforts to help members of our community.  Top photos: top-Diane Sternberg from Sail, Power, & Steam, L-Amie Hutchinson from Trekkers, R-Gayle Bedigian from the Coastal Museum. Presenting grants are Eric Hebert, Benefaction Committee Member and President Ferolyn Curtis.
Bottom photos: top- Rebekah Paredes from New Hope for Women, and bottom-Tom Mullin from Herring Gut Learning Center.  Grant recipients not pictured are the AIO Food & Energy Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Pleasant River Chapel for summer Meals on Wheels, and the St. George Community for Community Cupboard. Presenting grants are Eric Hebert, Benefaction Committee Member, outgoing President, Ferolyn Curtis, and new President, Tena Wallace.
Benefaction Grant Recipients 2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-06-15 04:00:00Z 0

Scholarship Recipients 2022

Rockland Rotary was pleased to award a $1,500 scholarship to all 13 local high school senior applicants.
Seven of the recipients visited Rockland Rotary’s weekly meeting to share what college they plan on attending and focus of academic study.
Pictured L-R: Rockland Rotary President, Ferolyn Curtis, Scholarship Committee Co-chairs, Tena Wallace & Kathy Barker, scholarship recipients Elizabeth Swan, Cameron Bains, Anna Kingbury, Morgan Flanders, Noah Ludwig, Kylar Potter, and Jacob Carroll
Scholarship Recipients 2022 Ferolyn Curtis 2022-06-15 04:00:00Z 0

Inclusive Playground

Please join Rockland Rotary for a fun evening of local talent at the Family Friendly Variety Show and Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. All proceeds go to Rockland Rotary's Inclusive Playground Project to be located at the MacDougal Park in Rockland.
Adults $30
Children $15
Rockland Rotary Club is raising funds to help build a "universally inclusive" playground at MacDougal Park in Rockland. This playground will be built to allow easy access for children of all physical and cognitive abilities.  Rockland Rotary, P.O. Box 1811, Rockland, ME  04841

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Link to WABI TV Channel 5 news-aired 3-13-22
Rockland Rotary starts funding for inclusive playground
Ahead of their centennial celebration in 2024, the Rockland Rotary Club wants to unveil an inclusive playground.(Owen Kingsley)
Published: Mar. 11, 2022 at 12:56 PM EST|Updated: 5 hours ago
ROCKLAND, Maine (WABI) - For 98 years, Rotary Clubs have taken on different initiatives to better their communities.
Ahead of their centennial celebration in 2024, the Rockland Rotary Club wants to unveil an inclusive playground.
“One of the things as the child grows and gets older and weighs more is it’s harder for a parent to be able to physically move that child around on a playground,” said Susan Page, a member of the Rockland Rotary Club.
“It’s going to have rubberized surface that is flat. The playground equipment is built low to the ground so children can easily get on the equipment. It comes with safety features,” said Ferolyn Curtis, President of the Rockland Rotary Club.
An inclusive playground has everything that your typical playground has, but the next closest one? All the way in Lewiston. The Rotary Club says it’s their responsibility to offer kids on the Mid-coast something a little closer to home.
“I think those children that have these challenges really need to have some additional resources and to be able to have some location that can provide them the opportunity just to be a kid,” said Page.
They estimate the playground will cost $350,000.
They have a GoFundMe set up, fundraisers on the calendar, and are reaching out to local organizations for grant money.
“To be able to have a moment where they can forget about their daily challenges and just be a kid, I can’t wait to see the smiles on their faces,” said Page.
Their next big fundraiser will be their annual Bass Fishing Tournament at Damariscotta Lake on April 24th.
All proceed will go toward the playground.
Copyright 2022 WABI. All rights reserved.
WABI TV Channel 5 Inclusive Playground Interview
Rockland Rotary's Playground Fundraising chair, Susan Ware Page and club president, Ferolyn Curtis, were interviewed by Owen Kingsley, a news reporter from WABI TV Channel 5, about our club's Centennial Inclusive Playground Project.  In celebration of Rockland Rotary's Centennial year in 2024, our club wanted to do a project for children that would fill a need in our community and the surrounding areas.  We have playgrounds in our area, but they do not meet the needs of all children and adults. Our goal is to create a playground for children of all abilities and developmental stages so they can play and interact with their peers in a safe space.
Rockland Rotary would like to thank Lexi Zable for sponsoring the "Dine for Donations" fundraiser at the Grey Owl to support our club's Inclusive Playground project.  Rockland Rotarians and guests gathered for a fun evening of fellowship.
Rockland Rotary would like to thank Rotarian Lexi Zable for donating a generous check in the amount of $850 collected from the "Dine for Donation" fundraiser at The Grey Owl Bar & Grill in Rockland.  She also donated another $40 in raffle ticket sales.  We would like to thank the community and rotarians who dined with us and supported this event. All proceeds will go toward Rockland Rotary’s Inclusive Playground Project. From L-R: Fred Newcomb, Centennial Chair, Lexi, Emily Dillion, Playground Committee member, and Ferolyn Curtis, President
Rockland Rotary would like to thank Rotarian Ken Grigus and his wife, Mary, for their generous donation in the amount of $1,000 to go toward Rockland Rotary’s Inclusive Playground Project.
Rockland Rotary would like to thank Central Maine Power for donating a generous check for $2,000 to go toward Rockland Rotary’s Inclusive Playground Project. From L to R: Rotarian Emily Dillon, Sarah Mazurek, Manager of Regional Operations for the Penobscot Bay Region, Rotary President Ferolyn Curtis, and Playground Fundraising-chair, Susan Ware Page.
Inclusive Playground N. Kermit Voncannon, Jr. 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

New Members

Rockland Rotary is please to welcome Amie Hutchinson back as an active member.  Amie is the Executive Director of Trekkers and is a past-president of Rockland Rotary.  She marks the 11th new member to our Rotary Club this year! 
Rockland Rotary is please to welcome Mark Strong as its newest member.  He is the 10th new member to be inducted this Rotary year!  L-R: Eric Hebert, Membership Chair, Mark,  Bob Bird, sponsor, and Ferolyn Curtis, President.
Rockland Rotary is please to welcome Kristin Brown as its newest member.  She is the 9th new member to be inducted this Rotary year! Kristin is a Registered Nurse employee at Penobscot Bay Medical Center in Rockport. L-R: Eric Hebert, Membership Chair, Kristin, and Ferolyn Curtis, President and sponsor.
Rockland Rotary is please to welcome Gavin Elliott as its newest member!  He is the 8th new member to be inducted this Rotary year. Gavin is Branch Manager at Bangor Savings. L-R: Eric Hebert, Membership Chair, Gavin Elliott, and Ferolyn Curtis, President and sponsor.
Rockland Rotary is pleased to welcome Michael Curtis as its newest member. Michael is a financial advisor for Edward Jones Investments in the Thomaston office and is the 7th new member inducted into our club this Rotary year. L-R: Membership Committee chair, Eric Hebert, Club President, Ferolyn Curtis and Michael Curtis.
The Rockland Rotary Club is pleased to welcome Pam Leach as our newest member.  Pam is the 6th newest member to be inducted into our club this Rotary year.  Her sponsor is Susan Ware Page.
Welcome to our newest Rockland Rotary member, Christian Smith, is a
Lieutenant for the Rockland Salvation Army.  His sponsor is Kermit VonCannon.
We welcomed in December our newest members to Rockland Rotary, John & Marci Lambert (top photo) and Emily Dillon. Congratulations! John and Marci's sponsor is Eric Hebert and Emily's sponsor is Bob Bird.
The Rockland Rotary Club is pleased to welcome Jeremy Daigle as a new member.  Congratulations!  Jeremy's sponsor is Butch Worcester.
New Members Ferolyn Curtis 2022-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

Public Relations & Networking

What a fun day at the Business and Community Expo at the Samoset Resort.  It was a great opportunity to meet and network with local businesses and non-profit organizations.
Public Relations & Networking Ferolyn Curtis 2021-12-24 05:00:00Z 0

WindowDressers Community Project

Rockland Rotarians volunteered to assist WindowDressers, a non-profit organization, with their community project gluing, drilling, and building window frames to insulate homes and lower fuel cost for people in our local community.  This was such a well-organized and worthwhile community project.
WindowDressers Community Project Ferolyn Curtis 2021-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Marcel LaCasse Memorial Golf Tournament

What a fun-filled, beautiful day for Rockland Rotary’s annual Marcel LaCasse Memorial Golf Tournament held at the Samoset Resort Friday, September 24th.  Rockland Rotary would like to thank all the generous support from the golfers, sponsors, the Samoset Resort, and volunteers, that made this fundraising event possible and such a success.  All the proceeds from this tournament goes towards scholarships for local high school seniors to assist them in furthering their education.  Rockland Rotary thanks you again for supporting this worthwhile cause. (photos of Rockland Rotarians having fun!)
Marcel LaCasse Memorial Golf Tournament Ferolyn Curtis 2021-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Club Supports Rockland Fire Department

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Here's today's press release as issued by the Rockland Fire Department:
Rockland Fire & EMS, along with the City of Rockland, would like to thank our friends from the Rockland Rotary with their generous financial support.  Rockland Rotary offered to cover the cost of a new refrigerator in order for our department to store and administer the Covid-19 vaccine to first responders in Knox County.  Rotary clubs across the State of Maine were contacted by Maine Emergency Medical Services and asked if they would be willing to financially support fire and EMS departments who would be incurring costs while taking on the fast moving program.  Rockland Rotary reached out to the Rockland Fire & EMS Department and within 2 weeks they were able to provide the donation.  This is a true sign of community support and we can’t thank them enough for their contribution.  Please see the attached photo from the leadership of the Rockland Rotary (Melissa Bellew and Butch Worcester) donating the $485.00 check to Fire Chief Chris Whytock and City Manager Tom Luttrell.
Club Supports Rockland Fire Department Melissa Bellew 2021-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Join Us Weekly!

We're continuing to meet in person now weekly at our regular location.   In working with our partners at the Rockland Elks Lodge, we strive to follow all Governor Mills' COVID/DECD guidelines for safely spaced, masked, indoor meetings.  As an alternative to in-person meetings, we provide (most weeks) a zoom option.  Contact us for future information on the zoom if you are interested at  Please stay safe!
Join Us Weekly! MBellew 2020-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Local Tech School Leader Visits

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Bobby Deetjen, Assistant Director & Director of Student Services, inspired our crew this week regarding Rockland's "new" Mid-Coast School of Technology.  Located in Rockland near Owl's Head, this innovative, hands-on, teaching school was overhauled and renovated last year.  In fact, our club has visited the school on several occasions.  Bobby's overview of the school's instruction and willingness to drive students (both high school and adult) to rapidly growing career tracks was passionate and  exciting.  We're proud to have this school in our club's home base.
Local Tech School Leader Visits Melissa Bellew 2020-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Landing Place Friends Visit

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Our club is always thrilled to have our friends from the Knox County Homeless Coalition's The Landing place visit.  With Steph Primm's overall leadership at KCHC, The Landing Place's leader Joseph Hufnagel (far right in the photo) and Shelter Solutions' Coordinator Benjamin Cooke (far left, with President Eric in the middle) updated our members on the development of new housing solutions in Knox County.  While emphasizing that youth homelessness is a very real issue in Knox County, both Joseph & Ben shared two new opportunities in the works:  placing youth in qualified homes for temporary housing and the creation of a series of four apartments for temporary housing.  Both are novel, national models resting right in our county.  Our club is proud to support KCHC's work.  Thank you Steph, Joseph, & Ben for creating compassionate housing models in our community.
Landing Place Friends Visit Melissa Bellew 2020-01-08 05:00:00Z 0